#When will crackdown 3 be released full
When it was delayed to 2017, creative director Dave Jones said the game's multiplayer experience "will redefine what it feels like to play games." Loftis confirmed on Twitter that the entire Crackdown 3 is delayed to Spring 2018, not just one part of the full package that includes campaign, co-op, and a Wrecking Zone mode. The game, or at least a part of it, was originally scheduled to arrive in 2016. This is just the latest delay for Crackdown 3. "We want them to really feel the larger-than life enemies as they're exploring the expansive open world, combatting crime, and collecting orbs," she said. More specifically, Loftis said the extra time will give the development teams the time they need to "focus on the visual polish" in an effort to make a game that "completely" immerses players in a "living world." Gamers can expect Crackdown 3 in Spring of 2018."

Getting the balance right between the three modes is important, and we are going to take the extra development time to ensure that. Crackdown 3 is a hugely ambitious game and we want to ensure we deliver the right experiences all the way through every part of the game, whether that's campaign, co-op multiplayer or our competitive multiplayer mode, Wrecking Zone. "However, we want to make sure to deliver the right game, with the right quality, and at the right time. "We’re very excited about Crackdown 3, and so are many fans, and so it's a difficult call to move the release date," Loftis told the site. Now Playing: GS News Update: Crackdown 3 Delayed To Spring 2018 By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's